Did you know / Fact thread

El Gunner
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by Harmonica Tue 21 Jan 2020 - 22:50

Did you know that my home town and university once had the coldest place, in the whole universe, by far?


"The record-low temperature was reached in a piece of rhodium metal, which was cooled to 100 pK, or 0,000 000 000 1 degrees above the absolute zero."

Deep space ambient temperature is 2,7 degrees above absolute zero, the temperature produced by the uniform background radiation or “afterglow” from the Big Bang. That's 27 billion times warmer temperature.

I think we've lost the record since then (2000). But here's a very interesting documentary of history of trying to reach ever colder temperatures. Did you know that one of the richest peoples ever, before Rockefeller, was a ice hoarded?

It makes one great point about Einstein too, who co-theorized Bose-Einstein condensate, which naturally has never happened in the universe, but was eventually proved correct. It's often called the fifth state of matter, after plasma, gas, liquid and solid.

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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by Nishankly Thu 23 Jan 2020 - 20:10

That's insane Harmonica.

Building on the Universe thing since its my favorite how much ever it bores you:

Do you want to see something that's very old?

Look at the North Star or Polaris!

Fact 1: 70% of land in the world is located in the Northern Hemisphere

Fact 2: 90% of the world's population is located in the Northern Hemisphere

Fact 3: The Sky is very different in the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern. Stars are different, the position of the Sun is opposite and so is the Moon.

Now coming back to the North Star:

The North star is about 680 light years away.

Fact 4: 1 light year is the distance that light can travel in 1 year which is: 9.46 trillion kilometers

Which means when you look at the North Star in the sky, the light you see is about 680 years old at every second.

Imagine that!

What you see in the sky at the very second is from 100 to thousands years old.

Which means the light that comes to you at the time you look in the sky, is from a reaction that happened at the same time when previous 30th generation of your family had existed! The light is just reaching to you now!

Fucking insane.
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by Nishankly Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 18:31

Everest is the highest point on Earth, YES? NOO!

Both true and untrue.

Fact 1: Earth is not a sphere. Its an oblate spheroid. Which means around the center its fatter than the rest. It's like a female, its THICCCCC

Everest is the highest point on the Earth IF MEASURED FROM SEA LEVEL.

Sea level changes as you move around the Earth.

The tallest point on Earth if we measure FROM THE CENTER OF THE EARTH:

is Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador.

Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 405px-David_Torres_Costales_Chimborazo_Riobamba_Ecuador_Monta%C3%B1a_Mas_Alta_del_Mundo

At an elevation of 6300 metres, its the 39th highest peak in its own Mountain range rofl

But taking the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equatorial_bulge of the Earth into account, its 1.5 miles HIGHER THAN THE EVEREST when measured from the center of the Earth because Earth is fatter around the equator.

Food for thought.
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by Myesyats Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 18:56

Nishankly wrote:That's insane Harmonica.

Building on the Universe thing since its my favorite how much ever it bores you:

Do you want to see something that's very old?

Look at the North Star or Polaris!

Fact 1: 70% of land in the world is located in the Northern Hemisphere

Fact 2: 90% of the world's population is located in the Northern Hemisphere

Fact 3: The Sky is very different in the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern. Stars are different, the position of the Sun is opposite and so is the Moon.

Now coming back to the North Star:

The North star is about 680 light years away.

Fact 4: 1 light year is the distance that light can travel in 1 year which is: 9.46 trillion kilometers

Which means when you look at the North Star in the sky, the light you see is about 680 years old at every second.

Imagine that!

What you see in the sky at the very second is from 100 to thousands years old.

Which means the light that comes to you at the time you look in the sky, is from a reaction that happened at the same time when previous 30th generation of your family had existed! The light is just reaching to you now!

Fucking insane.

This post blew my mind. You don't think about this stuff on a daily basis but it is, indeed, crazy. And again, it goes to show how small you are in the scope of the Universe. It puts me at ease when I think about the vastness of space and how one individual person and their problems mean nothing in those terms.
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by Nishankly Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 19:00

Delighted Myeyes that you're feeling this thread and its living upto both my and our expectations. Hope to find more facts that blow our minds
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by Myesyats Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 19:13

I just like reading about stuff from this perspective. Walking around the city, doing your usual routine this never crosses your mind. I go out to the mountains often and looking at the ranges I think to myself wow I'm so small beside these hills, how tiny must I be in relation to the entire universe, right? It helps me clear my mind from any worries and troubles.

So yeah, great thread.
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by Nishankly Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 19:21

Myesyats wrote:I just like reading about stuff from this perspective. Walking around the city, doing your usual routine this never crosses your mind. I go out to the mountains often and looking at the ranges I think to myself wow I'm so small beside these hills, how tiny must I be in relation to the entire universe, right? It helps me clear my mind from any worries and troubles.

So yeah, great thread.

That's very true.

We all have problems, and these problems are fucking huge for us personally since they don't allow us to function properly but then I see all of this and damn, my problems that last what on an average 2-3 years max don't even compare what has happened and what could happen later. I am so irrelevant it's crazy and then I take mental stress and anger shite for someone not even acknowledging me when I hold the door open for them.

This is the best form of advocating mental peace and satisfaction but the unfortunate part is that no one can perceive or comprehend that far or imagine themselves being this irrelevant to the part and parcel of life. This boils down to a lot things including religion and god but I won't get into it.
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by El Gunner Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 19:59

^^so you're saying religion and God is the cause for cognitive dissonance and/or mental suffering?
El Gunner
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by Nishankly Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 20:17

El Gunner wrote:^^so you're saying religion and God is the cause for cognitive dissonance and/or mental suffering?

Not so much, I am sure it is used for that to make one feel better and I have seen.

For me, I don't believe that God doesn't exist. Until we don't have answers, for me it'll be god that is the answer even though no one can support this. I am an agnostic atheist. I can't disprove god and I can't prove god.

But what I am sure of is that, I do not believe in Religion. Religion is a form of control. Everyone supports the same agenda at the end of the day, its whether you don't do abortion or don't eat pork on the journey to understanding god. I do not respect the notion at all.

33 million gods alone in India let alone when the western world comes into picture. Religion is a scam.
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by Myesyats Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 20:30

Nishankly wrote:
Myesyats wrote:I just like reading about stuff from this perspective. Walking around the city, doing your usual routine this never crosses your mind. I go out to the mountains often and looking at the ranges I think to myself wow I'm so small beside these hills, how tiny must I be in relation to the entire universe, right? It helps me clear my mind from any worries and troubles.

So yeah, great thread.

That's very true.

We all have problems, and these problems are fucking huge for us personally since they don't allow us to function properly but then I see all of this and damn, my problems that last what on an average 2-3 years max don't even compare what has happened and what could happen later. I am so irrelevant it's crazy and then I take mental stress and anger shite for someone not even acknowledging me when I hold the door open for them.

This is the best form of advocating mental peace and satisfaction but the unfortunate part is that no one can perceive or comprehend that far or imagine themselves being this irrelevant to the part and parcel of life. This boils down to a lot things including religion and god but I won't get into it.
The amount of people developing mental ilnesses from stress must be sky high. I try to not worry and overthink too much, thinking about the vastness of the Universe very much helps me with that. I gaze at the peaks of huge mountains and say to myself "Oh shit, I actually meaning absolutely nothing" lol, its a fantastic feeling - very freeing

And agreed on religion. My thoughts exactly and I'm also an atheist. Not sure if agnostic, I'm more on the side of "there is no god at all", the chances are very small imo. But then again there's 7 billion people on a f-cking rock floating somewhere and that happened so anything can happen.
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by El Gunner Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 20:34

I share your sentiments on religion, although i also believe at the crux of any religion formation their are faith-based roots, people who have seen and felt God. It's just through the growth and expansion of religions that certain dogmatic rules and methodologies come abound because that's just how humans are - limited creatures with a fear for those who look, think and practice life different from them.

Let me tell you now - if an objective scientific ruling that can verify the existence of God is what you are looking for, you're never going to get that in your lifetime or any other lifetime. Objective science isn't equipped for that.

what subjects did you study in university?
El Gunner
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by Warrior Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 20:36

Surely a superior entity exists, whether or not it has emotions and it will judge you. I personally believe it is passive. Because you cannot create something out of nothing. So this big bang thing being the start of our universe... ok but the micro atoms that collided came from somewhere scratch

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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by Nishankly Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 20:42

Myesyats wrote:
Nishankly wrote:
Myesyats wrote:I just like reading about stuff from this perspective. Walking around the city, doing your usual routine this never crosses your mind. I go out to the mountains often and looking at the ranges I think to myself wow I'm so small beside these hills, how tiny must I be in relation to the entire universe, right? It helps me clear my mind from any worries and troubles.

So yeah, great thread.

That's very true.

We all have problems, and these problems are fucking huge for us personally since they don't allow us to function properly but then I see all of this and damn, my problems that last what on an average 2-3 years max don't even compare what has happened and what could happen later. I am so irrelevant it's crazy and then I take mental stress and anger shite for someone not even acknowledging me when I hold the door open for them.

This is the best form of advocating mental peace and satisfaction but the unfortunate part is that no one can perceive or comprehend that far or imagine themselves being this irrelevant to the part and parcel of life. This boils down to a lot things including religion and god but I won't get into it.
The amount of people developing mental ilnesses from stress must be sky high. I try to not worry and overthink too much, thinking about the vastness of the Universe very much helps me with that. I gaze at the peaks of huge mountains and say to myself "Oh shit, I actually meaning absolutely nothing" lol, its a fantastic feeling

And agreed on religion. My thoughts exactly and I'm also an atheist. Not sure if agnostic, I'm more on the side of "there is no god at all", the chances are very small imo. But then again there's 7 billion people on a f-cking rock floating somewhere and that happened so anything can happen.

I agree but the problem for me here lies in the fact that we have no answers upto a point, we can hypothesize for ever but there is shit that we can humans cannot comprehend due to our nature and limitations of understanding.

I mean if I tell you, what is the most amazing part of the human body? Most of us would say the brain if not the heart but then again the reason we say its the brain is because of our brain.

If we can explain coherently what existed before the big bang I will accept there is no god but it makes me really perturbed when i need to wrap around a logic that the universe was a "Singularity" ((refer to the previous posts in the thread)) just waiting to blow up and create life.

The questions always for me lies, what comes before: Life existed: what happened before that, Universe was a dense singular point with all the mass: what was it before that?

I can wrap my head around the "Multiverse theory" where our Universe is one of many where other Universes have different laws of physics and life exists "Not as how we know it" but again I need proof before I can stip thinking otherwise.

Religion? Pssssssshh. Life existed millions of years (Proven and confirmed) before Christianity or Islam even came into the picture, hell my religion (or a part of it) Hinduism is way before these two religions that forced itself upon everyone killing and massacring everyone who didn't believe in it. Please go. Let alone half of the Bible and Quran talks crap about science and we can prove it fundamentally wrong.
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by Nishankly Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 20:47

Warrior wrote:Surely a superior entity exists, whether or not it has emotions and it will judge you. I personally believe it is passive. Because you cannot create something out of nothing. So this big bang thing being the start of our universe... ok but the micro atoms that collided came from somewhere scratch

I agree with you except the first word. Which is why I am agnostic.

El Gunner wrote:I share your sentiments on religion, although i also believe at the crux of any religion formation their are faith-based roots, people who have seen and felt God. It's just through the growth and expansion of religions that certain dogmatic rules and methodologies come abound because that's just how humans are - limited creatures with a fear for those who look, think and practice life different from them.

Let me tell you now - if an objective scientific ruling that can verify the existence of God is what you are looking for, you're never going to get that in your lifetime or any other lifetime. Objective science isn't equipped for that.

what subjects did you study in university?

Which is why I still doubt the existence of god. I am absolutely open to believing but being controlled to the point what I do daily which is religion, no way.

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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by El Gunner Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 21:39

i don't know if you like reading Nishank, or any of you for that matter.

I am a firm believer in everyone works differently, and language is meant to deceive (signified & signifier [simple linguistic determinism] and from that the abstract nature of existence, and socially and culturally applied semantics]) so i know my inner path to my view of life is different and i've read so many philosophical and psychological texts (where the root of truly understanding our essence as humans and life, and potentially God lies) during my 4 years in University (not just prescribed texts, but i did my own research as well). So i know i can't just offer a few texts here and make you guys see life as i see it haha but i'll try and give an outline from the outlook of my perspective.

Through a quick search this is the best i can do for now to present the internal discrepancy between subjectivity and objectivity in science: https://www.scirp.org/html/1-2810076_50254.htm

Then to go one step further:


and even further down the rabbit hole:


by this point, i'd have wished to guide you to understanding the basis of how science could never be equipped to explaining a God nature purely because of science is based upon our limited minds.

So then we can only really look at ourselves to find deeper the answers, and where do we go for that, the human brain/mind of course. There's a lot to be said about the root of consciousness in science and neuropsychology, and surprise surprise having just studied and interpreted all of the above information how much of a shocker is that lol Wink

Trying to explain consciousness when in actual fact unconscious activity runs all our mechanisms, every single thing we do, even our self-conscious thinking:


And then the Unconscious Mind: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2440575/?_escaped_fragment_=po=18.750

And then to really start on your journey of blowing your whole perspective on life open I present to you Michel Foucault, I'm sure some of you might have heard of him and his work before... I don't have a single link to his most profound works. But his work is scattered over the internet and google scholar. He explains our socially constructed nature through us as humans as the units of analysis, and the creation and use of knowledge and power in our world.

if any of you came to this point, and have been really intrigued, and even more baffled then before, which is most likely the case, and want to get serious about the root of understanding our limited conscious selves, i'll introduce you to psychopathology authors. Just drop me a PM
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by Nishankly Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 22:47

We can associate god wherever we want or are unable to understand similar to the medieval ages. This is a fact thread lets get back to topic.
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by Myesyats Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 23:01

Warrior wrote:Surely a superior entity exists, whether or not it has emotions and it will judge you. I personally believe it is passive. Because you cannot create something out of nothing. So this big bang thing being the start of our universe... ok but the micro atoms that collided came from somewhere scratch

But then where did the superior entity come from? It couldn't have been conceived, or created out of nothing too, right?
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by El Gunner Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 23:03

you know what concerns me Nishank, is that someone will eat up a conceptualisation like

1 light year is the distance that light can travel in 1 year which is: 9.46 trillion kilometers

and consider it to be a "fact" just because a few people somewhere agreed upon it because of a few constructed rules and measurements.

And not deconstruct the method to madness and the madness to the method themselves which will inevitably lead to self-inquiry where the ultimate root to Truth lies.

But by all means continue distracting yourself and hiding away just to be a cog in the system of another man's world.
El Gunner
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by Nishankly Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 23:12

El Gunner wrote:you know what concerns me Nishank, is that someone will eat up a conceptualisation like

1 light year is the distance that light can travel in 1 year which is: 9.46 trillion kilometers

and consider it to be a "fact" just because a few people somewhere agreed upon it because of a few constructed rules and measurements.

And not deconstruct the method to madness and the madness to the method themselves which will inevitably lead to self-inquiry where the ultimate root to Truth lies.

But by all means continue distracting yourself and hiding away just to be a cog in the system of another man's world.

That's the thing right?

Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Dunning-Kruger-Effect-en

Flat Earth conspiracy exists because they don't believe curvature exists because they can't fathom it. They cannot fathom the size of the universe and they accept that notion of flat Earth and believe in it. They think that they are so relevant, they can't fathom being a mere speck of luck.

Evolution deniers exists because they can't fathom Humans having 60% similar DNA to mice because it sounds baloney.

Population deniers cannot fathom how the Earth has 7 billion people but still doesn't have space.

What you are now doing to me is the same, you can't understand, hence god.

I will continue to believe things that are proven, while you will continue to base parts of your life on god and move on while clutching at notions that you can't believe.

Just because you cannot fathom something doesn't mean its not true, certainly doesn't mean we will roll back 5000 years to the dark ages when we were eating raw meat so that you can feel better.

We will both die soon and nothing will be proven but given the track record, your ancestors will regret what you thought.
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by Nishankly Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 23:20

And also by all means, please tell me how years and years of work has be disproved by you, please provide your side of the evidence to disprove it.

I am waiting.

This is a fact thread, please gtfo with your god notion.
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by El Gunner Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 23:23

i can't understand what? Laughing i did science on A-level a few years back

You my friend, seems to be the one who is not understanding what im trying to get across to you.

None of what you just posted correlates to what im trying to guide you towards.

You seem to have an existential angst towards the possible existence of a God. I understand, i used to be there as well. The fact that i can sit here and type i believe in God and you type that you do not means zilch and is quite irrelevant to the insight im trying to present to you.
El Gunner
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by Nishankly Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 23:29

I've literally said behind I as of now believe a god exists.

I do not agree with you cherry picking situations to satisfy your thirst.

You've done something in your Bachelors and Masters, why is that agreeable to your conscious when the same format of studies has been achieved in both your bachelors/masters and the science you choose not to believe in to reach that notion?

Why is the speed of light that has been refined through constant studies and proofs from the 1700s not similar to what you studied for your recent degree?
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by Nishankly Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 23:31

Also A levels is something you study at what 18? I've studied science till 21. Regardless that classifies you to disprove Science Laughing?
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by El Gunner Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 23:39

again, i did none of that. I presented the discrepancy between the unit of a subjective philosophy and an objective science and an understanding to how illusory our self-consciousness is and the reality of our socially constructed world - there's no scientific basis behind pure philosophising/self-reflexivity.

With the hopes that that'll make you realise you can only find truth within yourself.
El Gunner
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by Nishankly Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 23:55

Thanks but no thanks, we've spoke about multiverses and how the big bang is inexplicable so we've touched base on all of this. Its what one chooses to believe in which has been answered before and during. One can feel superior and ask others to find peace etc but its not going to change anything.
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Did you know / Fact thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Did you know / Fact thread

Post by El Gunner Tue 28 Jan 2020 - 0:09

not trying to come across as acting superior, just sharing my views.

again, never said i can explain the big bang or trying to disprove it.

But i'll leave your "fact" thread
El Gunner
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