Best 11 from jerseys 1-11

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Best 11 from jerseys 1-11 Empty Best 11 from jerseys 1-11

Post by The Sanchez Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:19 am

A suitable eleven in a suitable formation that has to contain players that wear the jersey 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Club or international jersey numbers are allowed...

On the top of my head:
1. Casillas, 2. Alves 3. Chellini, 4. Kompany, 5. Puyol, 6. Xavi, 7. Ronaldo, 8, Iniesta, 9. Huagain (Internation jersey), 10. Messi, 11. Robben

Make a better one tomorrow...

The Sanchez
The Sanchez
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Best 11 from jerseys 1-11 Empty Re: Best 11 from jerseys 1-11

Post by juventus101 Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:27 am

--Puyol-5-- --Kompany-4-- --Chiellini-3--
--Alves-2-- --Schweini-7-- --Xavi-6-- --Iniesta-8--
--Messi-10-- --Falcao-9-- --Robben-11--

Schweini and Robben are #7 and 11's for their respective national teams.
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