Congratz to the L.A. Galaxy

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Congratz to the L.A. Galaxy Empty Congratz to the L.A. Galaxy

Post by barca 2011 Sun Dec 02, 2012 1:32 am

2012 MLS Cup Champions and they had a decent game. I'm not the biggest fan of this team (although I live an hour from LA) but it was very cool to see the postgame reaction from the crowd and Becks truly won everyone over. Congrats to him and the Galaxy and although Football may never take off in the states the way it should, let's hope that the Post-Beckham era is a small step.
barca 2011
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Congratz to the L.A. Galaxy Empty Re: Congratz to the L.A. Galaxy

Post by Motogp69 Sun Dec 02, 2012 1:41 am

So Beckham and Donovan are on the way out, and Lampard will come in to join Keane. Overall, not losing Keane is the key, but the interplay between him and Donovan was almost magical once they had time together.

I know Donovan is thinking of going to the EPL, but isn't he to old for Everton now? How much are they going to pay for a 30 year old player from the MLS, unless he is going there for 2 seasons for the love of the game and at a significant discount.
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Congratz to the L.A. Galaxy Empty Re: Congratz to the L.A. Galaxy

Post by RealGunner Sun Dec 02, 2012 1:47 am

Beckham. Nothing but respect for a legend like him. It's an end of an era.

Great way to leave L.A, with a trophy

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Congratz to the L.A. Galaxy Empty Re: Congratz to the L.A. Galaxy

Post by barca 2011 Sun Dec 02, 2012 1:49 am

Motogp69 wrote:So Beckham and Donovan are on the way out, and Lampard will come in to join Keane. Overall, not losing Keane is the key, but the interplay between him and Donovan was almost magical once they had time together.

I know Donovan is thinking of going to the EPL, but isn't he to old for Everton now? How much are they going to pay for a 30 year old player from the MLS, unless he is going there for 2 seasons for the love of the game and at a significant discount.

That was the topic they discussed during halftime. Pretty much how to keep the MLS stars at the MLS and how easy it is for them just to go elsewhere financially. We'll see though. About the match though, did anyone else think it was kind of whack that Becks didn't get the last 93. minute PK? I mean its cool that Robbie drilled it, but I thought they'd at least let him take it as a final goodbye. Unless he just shies away from them but I doubt it.
barca 2011
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